Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thomas Jefferson

Educate and inform the whole mass of the people... They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.
Thomas Jefferson 

Thomas Jefferson has had his up and downs throughout history. He's often referred to by politicians to prove one point or another.

For all his faults and shortcomings, few would deny his brilliance. He was a scholar, philosopher, politician, architect, gardner, wine connoisseur, and violinist. He was a polymath and a true Renaissance man.

Clay Jenkins is a Jefferson scholar who frequently portrays Jefferson. He can be heard speaking as Jefferson on a number of topics at The Jefferson Hour.
I would like to suggest that you visit The Jefferson Hour and click on "Click Here to Listen." You will find a list of past podcasts. Here are just a few that are listed: #1010 - Church and State; #1014 Privacy; #1018 Secular Societies; #1036 Wine; #1040 The Women Jefferson Loved; and #1047 A Day in the Life.

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